Monday, May 14, 2007

Tools For The Classroom-Welcome

Howie DiBlasi

Called "The Emerging Technology Evangelist” a Durango, Colorado resident is currently the C.I.O. (Chief Information Officer) for the Durango School District. Howie has been recognized as “Vocational Teacher of the Year” for the State of Arizona and was nominated as a finalist in the “Top Secondary Leaders in America”. He has been featured in several magazines as “ A CIO that really thinks outside the box”.

A recent comment at the Texas Distance Learning Conference was “ I have not heard someone think that far out of the box in years.”

His recent presentations and sessions have been to standing room only in Florida, California, Colorado and Texas. His passion is 21st Century Learning and he describes himself as a “Zelot” (a person who shows zeal or fanatic).

An expert in his field, Howie conducts interactive seminars on 21st Century Learning, Visual Literacy, Digital Interactive Learning and “Making Show-N-Tell Cool”. Howie’s programs are fun, educational, high energy and full of practical, take-home value. He has presented at over fifty (50) Technology conferences and is a recognized leader in 21st Century Learning and Digital Literacy. His professional focus has been in the fields of 21st Century Learning and Digital Literacy.

As an experienced classroom teacher for 20 years, 10 years as a computer business owner, and 15 years as a C.I.O., he brings the understanding of the business and the educational worlds together.

Howie serves as a state board member to C.A.L.E.T. (Colorado Association of Leaders in Educational Technology), Communications director for the I.S.T.E –Interactive Video Conferencing Special Interest Group and the President Elect for the I.S.T.E –Interactive Video Conferencing Special Interest Group. Howie is known as a highly energetic, compassionate and approachable speaker. He is a trainer that blends humor, applicable stories of best practice and high levels of audience involvement. Over the past fifteen years, he has presented programs, courses and speeches to thousands of administrators, teachers, technology specialists and professionals around the country. He lives in Durango, Colorado, has been married to his wife Joan for 42 years and has two children and four grandchildren.

“I guess I am crazy enough to think I can change the world and hope I have a small impact on what we do as educators,” DiBlasi said.

DiBlasi will retire from the Durango School District in December of 2007. After retirement, he will travel and continue to spread the word as a consultant and active member of TxDLA when he and his wife, Joan, relocate to Georgetown, Texas.

ED. NOTE: Howie DiBlasi's contact information is:
Howie DiBlasi, Ph.D.
I.T. Director, Durango School District
970-247-5411 ex 1451
Web Address: